Acupressure Points for Diabetes

January 9, 2023
4 mins

Acupuncture Points Mentioned in this Article

Diabetes is characterized by the body's inability to manage blood sugar levels due to insufficient or ineffective insulin. Diabetes is a health condition where your body has trouble managing sugar levels in the blood. Imagine our blood like a highway and sugar as cars on it. Normally, a hormone named insulin acts like a traffic controller, helping sugar to move from the blood into our cells to be used as energy. But in diabetes, this system doesn’t work as it should.

There are mainly two types of Diabetes: Type 1, where the body doesn't make insulin, and Type 2, where the body doesn't use insulin well or doesn't make enough. Without enough insulin, sugar piles up in the blood, like a traffic jam, leading to high blood sugar levels. Over time, having too much sugar in the blood can cause serious health issues like heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease.

Main Types of Diabetes

  • Type 1 Diabetes: Pertaining to about 3% of diabetic patients, related to genetic and autoimmune factors, destroying cells that manufacture insulin.

  • Type 2 Diabetes: Constitutes over 90% of cases, generally found in older or overweight individuals, primarily related to unhealthy eating habits, obesity, and lack of exercise.

  • Gestational Diabetes: Occurs during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, usually disappears after childbirth but increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life.

Traditional Chinese Medicine View of Diabetes

Traditional Chinese Medicine perceives diabetes as an imbalance and uses varied treatments like acupuncture and lifestyle alterations to manage it. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), diabetes, known as "Xiao Ke," is seen a bit differently than in Western medicine. It’s thought to happen when there's an imbalance in the body, involving too much internal heat and not managing fluids and food properly, leading to notable symptoms like extreme thirst, hunger, and frequent urination.

TCM uses treatments like herbs, acupuncture, and changes in lifestyle and diet to help balance the body’s internal environment and manage diabetes symptoms. This approach has been used for over 2000 years in China to control symptoms and prevent further complications from diabetes. Interestingly, while "Xiao Ke" often refers to diabetes, it also includes symptoms seen in other conditions, and the ancient texts do not provide a complete picture of the disease as understood in modern terms.

Acupressure Points for Diabetes on Body

Origin Pass Acupoint (關元穴) CV4

The Origin Pass acupoint stimulates pancreatic cells to secrete insulin, reducing blood sugar and benefiting other aspects of health. Additionally, it is not only pertinent for treating reproductive and urinary system diseases but also plays a potential role in improving vitality and enhancing skin conditions, which can be indirectly beneficial for those with diabetes considering the importance of maintaining skin integrity and overall well-being.

Where is Acupuncture Point CV4?

The Origin Pass acupoint is located three inches below the navel on the anterior median line.

How to find Acupressure Point CV4?

  1. Start by placing one hand on your navel.
  2. Use the width of four horizontal fingers to measure three inches below the navel.
  3. The point will be on the center line of the lower abdomen.

Central Pole (Zhong Ji 中极) CV3 Acupoint

The Central Pole acupoint can support diabetes management and enhance vitality, among other wellness benefits. Although primarily utilized for urinary system issues, the Central Pole acupoint may offer an additional layer of support in the management of diabetes, particularly due to its purported benefits in enhancing vitality and potential relief from associated gynecological conditions, thereby offering a broad spectrum of wellness and vitality enhancement.

Where is Acupuncture Point CV3?

Central Pole is positioned four inches below the navel, on the anterior median line.

How to find Acupressure Point CV3?

  1. Locate your navel with one hand.
  2. Measure four inches below it using the width of six horizontal fingers.
  3. The point is on the center line of the lower abdomen.

Middle Cavity (Zhong Wan 中脘) CV12 Acupoint

The Middle Cavity acupoint assists in managing diabetes by promoting healthy digestive function and potentially regulating body weight. Addressing digestive tract diseases and potentially aiding in the mitigation of appetite and excess fat in the lower abdomen, the Middle Cavity acupoint can serve as an adjunctive tool in the management of diabetes by promoting healthy digestive function and potentially aiding in the regulation of body weight.

Where is Acupuncture Point CV12?

Middle Cavity is located four inches above the navel on the anterior median line.

How to find Acupressure Point CV12?

  1. Position one hand over your navel.
  2. Measure four inches above it using six horizontal fingers.
  3. This point will be in the upper abdomen, on the body’s central line.

Pressure Points for Diabetes on Leg

Earth Pivot (Diji 地機) SP8 Acupoint

The Earth Pivot acupoint aids diabetes management by supporting digestion, nutrient absorption, and bowel regulation. With an emphasis on promoting spleen health and mitigating various digestive issues, the Earth Pivot acupoint might offer therapeutic relief for individuals with diabetes by supporting healthy digestion, ensuring optimal nutrient absorption, and regulating bowel movement, thereby contributing to a stable metabolic rate and digestion.

Where is Acupuncture Point SP8?

The Earth Pivot Acupoint is located three inches below the Yinlingquan point, in a depression behind the shinbone.

How to find Acupressure Point SP8?

  1. Sit down and locate the depression behind your shinbone.
  2. Place four horizontal fingers above this point to find the Yinlingquan point.
  3. Move three inches below the Yinlingquan point to locate Earth Pivot.

Pressure Points for Diabetes on Back

Spleen Shu (Pi Xu 脾俞) BL20 Acupoint

The Spleen Shu acupoint assists in managing diabetes by potentially supporting pancreatic function and insulin secretion. The Spleen Shu acupoint, in the context of acupressure for diabetes, presents a notable point of interest given its association with pancreatic function and insulin secretion, thereby providing potential supportive therapy for managing symptoms and complications related to diabetes.

Where is Acupuncture Point BL20?

Spleen Shu is positioned beside the 11th thoracic vertebra, about 1.5 inches from the middle line at the back.

How to find Acupressure Point BL20?

  1. Find the 11th thoracic vertebra by standing straight, placing your arms by your waist, and identifying the height near your elbows.
  2. Measure approximately 1.5 inches lateral to this vertebra on both sides.

Pressure Points for Diabetes on Hand and Arm

Union Valley Point (合谷 Hegu) LI4 Acupoint

Union Valley decreases blood sugar by supporting water metabolism. It is a key pressure point utilized to support water metabolism in the body and decrease blood sugar levels - a key concern for individuals with Diabetes. It's notably used to manage diseases of the mouth and facial features. Applying pressure to this point can help alleviate a variety of symptoms like headaches, inflammation in the mouth, sore throats, fever, eye fatigue, neuralgia, and gastrointestinal discomfort.

Union Valley can be discovered roughly an inch and a half towards the hand from where your thumb and index finger are connected. This point is present on both the left and right sides.

How to find Acupressure Point LI4?

  1. Begin with your palm facing upwards.
  2. From the area where your thumb and index finger connect, move about an inch and a half in the direction of your hand.
  3. The point is located within the center of the lateral side of the second metacarpal bone.
  4. It may be a bit more sensitive or slightly pulsating upon pressure.

Pool at the Bend (Quchi 曲池穴) LI11 Acupoint

Pool at the Bend stimulates insulin secretion and enhances circulation. In a comprehensive acupressure strategy for diabetes, it is a crucial acupoint used to stimulate pancreatic cells to secrete insulin. It is also particularly useful for enhancing Qi and blood circulation, potentially improving skin quality and complexion—vital for individuals with diabetes who often face challenges with skin health and healing.

Where is Acupuncture Point LI11?

Quchi is located at the outer end of the elbow crease when the arm is folded against the chest.

How to find Acupressure Point LI11?

  1. Bend your arm and place your palm against your chest, creating an elbow crease.
  2. Identify the outer end of this crease, towards the thumb side.

Reflexology Points for Neuropathy from Diabetes

Neuropathy is numbness in feet and hands from diabetes. These points are also beneficial for diabetes overall.

Three Yin Meeting (Sanyinjiao 三陰交) SP6 Acupoint

Stimulating Three Yin Meeting improves blood sugar and reduces extremity numbness. By stimulating this acupoint, existing issues related to blood sugar, such as diabetes, could see a considerable improvement. The pressure applied on this point encourages the pancreatic cells to secrete more insulin, effectively decreasing blood sugar levels. Alongside assisting with diabetes, it also reduces numbness in the feet and hands. Notably, the Three Yin Meeting point doesn't just provide benefits for diabetes but it plays a vital role in treating a broad range of issues including gastrointestinal, gynaecological and urological diseases. Finally, it is also beneficial for skin and physical appearance improvements as well as hormone regulation.

Where is Acupuncture Point SP6?

Three Yin Meeting Acupoint is located on the inner side of your calf, three finger widths above your ankle bone.

How to find the Acupressure Point SP6?

  1. Position your foot so that you can see the inner side of your ankle.
  2. Place four of your fingers above the highest point of your inner ankle bone.
  3. The point is located on the inner edge of the shin bone.
  4. When pressed, you might feel a slight pain or discomfort.

Leg Three Mile (Zusanli 足三里) ST36 Acupoint

Leg Three Mile encourages insulin production and minimizes hand and foot numbness. This acupoint offers multiple health benefits, one of which is stimulating the pancreatic cells to produce more insulin, that efficiently controls blood sugar levels. It can significantly help people dealing with diabetes. In addition, pressure on the Leg Three Mile point can reduce numbness in hands and feet.

Where is Acupuncture Point ST36?

The Leg Three Mile Acupoint is located three finger widths below the knee, just on the outer side of the leg.

How to locate the Acupressure Point ST36?

  1. Begin by sitting on a chair with your knees bent at a right angle.
  2. Place the palm of your hand on top of your kneecap.
  3. Shift your middle finger towards the outer side of your knee till it reaches a point where it feels slightly depressed.
  4. This is your Leg Three Mile point. If you press it, you might experience a sort of soreness.

How to Use Acupressure Points to Control Diabetes?

Acupressure potentially controls diabetes by stimulating specific therapeutic points.  Acupressure involves stimulating specific points on the body, believed to have therapeutic benefits. Points such as Origin Pass (CV4), Central Pole (CV3), Middle Cavity (CV12), Earth Pivot (SP8), Spleen Shu (BL20), Union Valley Point (LI4), and Pool at the Bend (LI11) are just a few of the noteworthy points to explore for potentially managing diabetes

Here are some practical tips to get the most out of these acupressure techniques:

  • Create a serene environment: Choose a quiet space where distractions are minimal. This calm setting will enhance your focus and heighten the healing effects of acupressure.

  • Deep breathing: Initiate your session by inhaling and exhaling deeply. This not only calms your mind but also prepares your body for the acupressure session, making it more receptive to the process.

  • Clean hands: Hygiene is essential. Ensure that your hands are clean before you start. This will prevent any potential infections, especially when dealing with sensitive areas.

  • Consistency is key: Regular application of these acupressure techniques is more beneficial than sporadic sessions. Aim to integrate these into your daily or weekly routine for a sustained impact

Keep in mind that individual responses can vary. If these acupressure techniques don't offer the relief you seek, consider consulting with a licensed acupuncturist or TCM practitioner for tailored advice.

Remember that individual responses to acupressure can vary, and consulting with a licensed acupuncturist or traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioner may provide additional guidance and support in your diabetes management journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Acupressure and Diabetes

Can acupressure cure diabetes?

No, acupressure cannot cure diabetes.

Is acupressure safe for people with diabetes?

Yes, acupressure is safe for most people as it involves gently pressing points on your body. It can improve blood flow and help you feel better in various ways. But, it’s not a cure for conditions like diabetes. If you have serious health issues, it's best to ask your doctor before trying acupressure.

Can I stop my medication if I see my blood sugar drop with acupressure?

No, you should not stop taking your medication if you start using acupressure and notice changes. Always talk to your doctor before making any changes to your medication.

Can I do acupressure along with my medications?

Yes, you can do acupressure while taking your medications. But remember, never stop taking your medicines without talking to your doctor, even if you're using acupressure and it's helping.

Is Acupressure good for Diabetic Neuropathy?

Yes, acupressure can help improve blood flow and might help with the pain from nerve damage (neuropathy).

Does Acupressure reduce blood sugar?

Yes, acupressure can help lower blood sugar levels when done correctly. But it's not a substitute for a medical doctor's treatment.

Simplifying Diabetes Control with the Moxa Acupressure App

The Moxa Acupressure App provides simple, guided acupressure sessions for potential diabetes control. In the realm of diabetes management, the Moxa Acupressure App emerges as a beacon of simplicity and ease, designed to navigate you through the potentially intricate world of acupressure with utter simplicity. Whether you are a novice or seasoned in acupressure techniques, this app illuminates a straightforward path to potentially controlling diabetes by guiding you through tailored acupressure sessions, without getting entwined in the complexity of point names and traditional methodologies.

It demystifies the practice of acupressure, providing easy-to-follow sessions, specific to your wellness goals and diabetes management needs. Your journey with the Moxa App is not just about applying pressure; it's about engaging in a simplified, user-friendly digital experience that supports your path to enhanced well-being and stabilized blood sugar levels.

Let the app be your virtual guide in exploring acupressure, managing diabetes, and improving your overall vitality, all while embracing a hassle-free and easily accessible approach.

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