Acupressure Points for Bronchitis and Cough

November 2, 2022
3 min

Acupuncture Points Mentioned in this Article

Acupressure supports bronchitis symptom relief and lung health. As we transition into colder seasons, it's important to take care of our respiratory health, especially if you have pre-existing conditions like asthma. In Chinese medicine, the lungs are considered a "tender organ" that requires special attention. By incorporating acupressure into your wellness routine, you can provide relief for bronchitis symptoms and support your overall lung health.

Understanding Bronchitis from a Chinese Medicine Perspective

Chinese medicine links bronchitis to lung heat and external pathogen congestion. Chinese medicine views bronchitis as a condition caused by heat in the lungs and congestion due to external pathogens. Chronic cases often involve deficiencies in the lung-large intestine network, which can compromise the body's natural immunity. In addition to traditional treatments like cupping and acupuncture, incorporating natural remedies and lifestyle changes can support the healing process.

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the lungs not only function to distribute oxygen throughout the body but also play a significant role in managing our Qi (energy). The lungs are interconnected with the skin and are responsible for the opening and closing of sweat pores, directly affecting our resistance to diseases. Therefore, when the lungs are weak or compromised, it can lead to a susceptibility to illnesses like colds, coughs, and bronchitis.

Pressure Points on Arm and Hand to Help Relieve Bronchitis Symptoms

Cubit Marsh (尺澤 Chi Ze) LU5 Acupressure Point

Cubit Marsh relieves ailments related to arm pain and coughing. This point can also aid in relieving other symptoms like fever, sore throat, severe cough, coughing blood, asthma, skin allergies, chest tightness, chronic arthritis, rheumatism, and also helps eliminate arm fat to avoid thickening of the arm.

Where is Acupressure Point LU5?

Cubit Marsh is located on a firm tendon that becomes prominent in the elbow crease when your palm is facing upwards.

How to find Acupuncture Point LU5?

  1. Begin by extending your arm out with the palm facing upwards.
  2. Gently bend your elbow.
  3. Observe the inner part of the elbow and locate the hard tendon that becomes visible.
  4. The acupoint is situated in the depression (indentation) on the thumb side of this tendon, right on the elbow crease.

Broken Sequence (Lie Que 列缺) LU7 Acupressure Point

Lie Que benefits respiratory health and provides relief for chronic bronchitis. It serves as a remedy not only for various lung-related diseases but also extends its healing effects to issues like toothaches, hemiplegia, arm soreness and paralysis, and ailments related to the neck, head, and nose. Moreover, it is a trusted point for managing rheumatism and recurring old issues during seasonal transitions, where massaging it can alleviate discomfort.

Where is Acupuncture Point LU7?

Lie Que is situated on the radial side of the palmar wrist crease, directly over the radial artery.

How to find Acupressure Point LU7?

  1. Hold your hand in front of you, palm facing upwards.
  2. Identify the crease of your wrist.
  3. Move slightly above the wrist crease on the thumb side, where you may feel the radial artery pulsating.
  4. The point should be above this artery and might be sensitive upon pressing.

Pressure Points on Neck and Chest for Bronchitis and Cough

Celestial Chimney (天突 Tian Tu) CV22 Acupressure Point

Celestial Chimney alleviates throat and respiratory symptoms, particularly in bronchitis. It is known for treating throat and respiratory issues, with a particular efficacy in mitigating symptoms associated with bronchitis and persistent coughs. It plays a vital role in soothing sore and dry throat, hoarseness, coughing fits, asthma, esophagitis, vomiting, coughing blood, and chest pain.

Where is Acupuncture Point CV22?

The Celestial Chimney is located at a small depression at the base of the throat, below the Adam’s apple.

How to find Acupressure Point CV22?

  1. Sit comfortably and slightly tilt your head backward.
  2. Locate your Adam's apple, which is the prominent bulge in the throat.
  3. Move your finger downwards to find a small depression (indentation) right below the Adam's apple.
  4. The point, Celestial Chimney, is just below this depression, where you may feel a pulse or slight discomfort when pressed.

Chest Center (膻中 Shan Zhong) CV17 Acupressure Point

Chest Center mitigates symptoms of bronchitis and supports respiratory and circulatory health. It is primarily reputed for its efficacy in managing symptoms of chronic bronchitis and persistent coughs. It is particularly beneficial in alleviating chest tightness, palpitations, asthma, irritability, and hysteria, and also in enhancing breast size and promoting milk duct circulation, assisting women experiencing breast pain or insufficient milk production.

Where is the Acupuncture Point CV17?

The Chest Center is located at the intersection of the midpoint between both nipples and the centerline of the sternum.

How to find Acupressure Point CV17?

  1. Begin by locating the midpoint of your nipples.
  2. Find the centerline of the sternum, which is the flat bone in the middle of your chest.
  3. Identify the point at the intersection of these two locations, which should be at the same height as the 4th intercostal space (the space between the ribs).
  4. The point may feel painful upon pressing.

Pressure Points on Leg for Bronchitis and Cough Relief

Three Yin Intersection (三陰交 San Yin Jiao) SP6 Acupressure Point

Three Yin Intersection secondary benefits are respiratory health. While the Three Yin Intersection primarily addresses gastrointestinal, gynecological, and urological conditions, the ability of acupuncture to harmonize the body's energies may impart secondary benefits for respiratory health by enhancing overall vitality and systemic balance. This point is widely applied to treat ailments like diarrhea, abdominal bloating, indigestion, irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, and infertility, along with several other conditions.

Where is the Acupuncture Point SP6?

This point is located approximately three inches above the inner ankle bone, on the rear edge of the tibia.

How to find Acupressure Point SP6?

  1. Sit comfortably and locate your inner ankle bone.
  2. Measure approximately three inches (or four finger widths) above the ankle bone along the edge of the shinbone (tibia).
  3. The point may induce a slight hurt upon pressing and is situated at the rear edge of the tibia.

Herbal Remedies to Support Respiratory Health

Chinese medicine offers herbal remedies like Fritillaria Bulb and Yang Yin Qing Fei for respiratory issues:

  • Fritillaria Bulb Chuan Bei 川貝: Commonly used to treat respiratory issues, including cough and bronchitis, with mucous clearing properties
  • Yang Yin Qing Fei 養陰清肺: Is a standard off-the-shelf formulation of herbs that is commonly used to treat bronchitis and lung related conditions.

Protecting Your Lungs: Tips from Chinese Medicine

Protecting lungs involves managing Wei qi and avoiding extreme environmental conditions. The lungs play a critical role in regulating immunity. They circulate a thin protective fluid layer called "Wei qi," which acts as a barrier against pathogens. To maintain optimal lung function and immunity, it's important to create a moderate environment for your lungs. Avoid extreme dryness, moisture, heat, or coldness. Additionally, take extra precautions during the shift from summer to autumn and the approaching cold and flu season.

How to Relieve Bronchitis and Cough Symptoms with Acupressure Points

Acupressure alleviates bronchitis and cough symptoms by rebalancing the body's qi from stimulating specific points. Acupressure can serve as a holistic approach to alleviating the symptoms of bronchitis and persistent coughs by stimulating specific points like Lie Que (LU7), Three Yin Intersection, and Chest Center. Bronchitis and coughs, whether acute or chronic, can cause significant discomfort and interrupt daily activities. Acupressure offers a natural pathway to potentially soothe these disruptions and facilitate better respiratory health. By utilizing your fingertips or a dedicated massage tool, you can stimulate these vital acupressure points to aid in mitigating your symptoms.

Ensure your hands are clean before you begin. Start by applying gentle pressure, progressively increasing until you reach a level that feels about 7 out of 10 in intensity. Maintain this steady pressure for one to two minutes, ensuring you take deep, rhythmic breaths throughout. Envision a stream of healing energy flowing through your respiratory system as you engage with each point. If you're unfamiliar with the exact locations or the application of pressure to these points, consider seeking guidance from a professional.

Simplifying Acupressure for Bronchitis and Cough Relief with Moxa

The Moxa Acupressure App enhances bronchitis and cough relief through curated acupressure sessions. Elevate your acupressure sessions focused on bronchitis and cough relief by utilizing the Moxa App. Allow Moxa to streamline your practice by accurately identifying relevant acupressure points, effectively managing session durations, and meticulously tracking your progress. Learn how Moxa can assist you in identifying the optimal points to address your respiratory symptoms and in establishing a consistent, therapeutic routine.

Integrating acupressure into your regular wellness regimen can be a natural and effective method for managing symptoms of bronchitis and cough, fostering an overall healthier respiratory system. Place your wellness in high regard and explore this timeless technique as a potential path towards improved health and alleviated respiratory symptoms.

Supporting Acupressure with Proper Medical Care

Acupressure should complement professional medical care for bronchitis symptoms. While acupressure can be a valuable tool for relieving bronchitis symptoms, it's essential to seek proper medical care and guidance from a healthcare professional. Acupressure should complement, not replace, appropriate medical attention and treatment. If you're experiencing severe health problems, be sure to consult your doctor and consider seeking a second medical opinion.

Not Medical Advice:

This article provides informational content and not medical advice. The information provided in this article is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. While the practices and insights from traditional Chinese medicine can be beneficial, they are not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always consult with a licensed healthcare provider about any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment options. Do not disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice based on the information provided in this article. Always prioritize your safety and well-being.

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