Acupressure Points for Tinnitus (Ear ringing)

April 1, 2022
3 min

Acupuncture Points Mentioned in this Article

Tinnitus is when you hear sounds like ringing, buzzing, or hissing when there's no actual sound around you. It can be a little annoyance that comes and goes or a constant noise that messes with your sleep and focus. Science links tinnitus to things like bad blood flow to your ear and brain, nerve damage, and issues with your blood vessels—especially when there's too much fat in your blood, which can mess with your vessels.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) View on Tinnitus

TCM associates tinnitus with imbalanced bodily energy, particularly in the kidneys. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) sees tinnitus a bit differently—it thinks of it as a sign that the energy, or “Qi”, in your body is out of balance. Especially the energy related to your kidneys, since TCM believes the kidneys are linked to your ears. So, if your kidney energy is low or weak, your ears might be affected, causing tinnitus.

Ear Pressure Points for Tinnitus on Head

Minute Angle (角孫) TH20 Acupoint

Minute Angle (TH20) addresses conditions related to eyes, ears, and teeth. It provides notable relief for issues like eye inflammation and tinnitus (ear ringing). When eyes become inflamed or when disruptive ringing or other sounds (like hissing or buzzing) are experienced in the ears, the TH20 point becomes particularly relevant. Furthermore, TH20 can alleviate discomfort arising from dental conditions such as tooth decay and periodontal disease, and also assists in mitigating headaches, dizziness, and sensations of heaviness in the head.

Where is Acupuncture Point TH20?

Minute Angle is situated at the top part of the ear, near the indentation close to the hairline, on both left and right sides.

How to find Acupressure Point TH20?

  1. Ensure your ear is accessible by moving any hair out of the way.
  2. Gently fold the top part of your ear forward.
  3. Find the topmost point of the ear.
  4. Identify the small indentation near the hairline.

Palace of Hearing (聽宮) SI19 Acupoint

Palace of Hearing (SI19) alleviates auditory conditions and supports ear care. It emerges as a crucial point for those struggling with ear issues, particularly ear ringing or tinnitus. This point is instrumental in alleviating auditory conditions, providing relief from symptoms like diminished hearing, persistent internal ear noises, and pain. Additionally, SI19 proves beneficial in addressing headaches, dizziness, vision impairments, and memory decline, often providing auxiliary support to other treatment approaches for comprehensive ear care.

Where is Acupuncture Point SI19?

Palace of Hearing is located in front of a small cartilage known as the tragus in front of the ear canal, finding its place in the indentations on both sides.

How to find Acupressure Point SI19?

  1. Begin with a slightly open mouth.
  2. Identify the tragus, a small cartilage in front of the ear canal.
  3. Locate the indentation that becomes apparent in front of this cartilage.
  4. Apply gentle pressure to identify sensitivity in this area.

Ear Gate (耳門) TE21 Acupoint

Ear Gate (TE21) provides relief from tinnitus and treats various ear issues. It is effective in addressing various ear-related issues, especially providing relief from tinnitus, characterized by ringing, buzzing, or other persistent noises in the ears. It is also pivotal in the treatment of hearing loss and various types of ear infections, including external otitis. Additionally, it renders relief in cases of facial nerve paralysis and tooth pain, making it a multifaceted point for addressing several head and facial discomforts.

Where is Acupuncture Point TE21?

Ear Gate is located right in front of a prominent part of the ear known as the "ear pearl."

How to find Acupressure Point TE21?

  1. Open your mouth slightly.
  2. Direct your attention to the front of the “ear pearl” in the ear.
  3. Locate the indentation just above another point known as the Palace of Hearing (SI19).
  4. You may feel a small dip or sensitivity in the area.

Wind Screen (翳風) TE17 Acupoint

Wind Screen (TE17) mitigates ear issues and eases various facial conditions. It has remedial impact on facial conditions and ear-related issues, including providing relief from tinnitus and hearing loss. The persistent or intermittent sounds within the ear, like ringing or buzzing, can be notably mitigated by addressing TE17. It also plays a role in easing facial paralysis, spasms, swelling, and dental pain, and provides relief for neck and shoulder stiffness. Furthermore, it's a strategic point in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and other neurologically induced facial pain.

Where is Acupuncture Point TE17?

TE17 is found at the top of the ear, near an indentation close to the hairline, on both sides of the head.

How to find Acupressure Point TE17?

  1. Move your hair away from your ear to expose the area clearly.
  2. Gently manipulate the ear, drawing attention to the topmost section.
  3. Locate the small indentation near the hairline.
  4. The point may exhibit sensitivity when gently pressed.

Meeting of Hearing (Ting Hui 聽會) GB2 Acupoint

Meeting of Hearing focuses on managing auditory issues and harnessing ear-oriented Qi. It is especially regarded for discomforts like tinnitus, focusing on harnessing the Qi and blood flow towards the ear to provide potential relief from symptoms like muffled sounds and pain. By ensuring Qi and blood circulation around this area, it is anticipated to enhance auditory clarity and possibly mitigate the effects of tinnitus, particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing hearing changes due to aging or other factors.

Where is Acupuncture Point GB2?

Ting Hui is located just beneath the earlobe, towards the face's front.

How to find Acupressure Point GB2?

  1. Sit upright.
  2. Position your finger just below your earlobe, moving slightly towards the front of your face.
  3. Open your mouth and identify an indentation that appears; this is where Ting Hui is located.

Pressure Points for Tinnitus on Feet

Gushing Spring (Yongquan 湧泉) KI1 Acupoint

Gushing Spring (KI1) aids in tinnitus management and improves body constitution. It iskonwn for its capabilities in addressing tinnitus, not only aids in mitigating ear ringing but also encompasses a wide variety of healing benefits. This acupuncture point is praised for strengthening heart and bladder functions and addressing a range of issues, including hearing impairments and otitis media. Moreover, it has a robust impact on enhancing physical strength and improving the constitution of the body.

Where is Acupuncture Point KI1?

Gushing Spring is located in the lower concave section of the sole of the foot.

How to find Acupressure Point KI1?

  1. Begin by placing your foot flat on the floor.
  2. Observe the sole and locate a slight depression which can usually be found when the foot is flat on the floor (it's often easier to find this if the toes are bent).
  3. Focus on the area that is approximately at one-third the distance from the base of your second and third toes to the heel.
  4. Apply gentle pressure to feel for sensitivity, indicating the accurate point.

Maintaining a regular routine in engaging with these points, particularly Yongquan for issues like tinnitus, can potentially offer sustained relief and holistic improvements in associated areas. As always, it’s vital to approach all natural therapies with an open but cautious mind, ensuring that professional advice and verification are sought in parallel to these practices.

Great Surge (Taichong 太衝) LR3 Acupoint

Great Surge (LR3) enhances blood circulation and offers relief for various conditions, including tinnitus. Renowned for its capacity to regulate blood and menstruation, Great Surge also provides relief for various other conditions like mastitis, insomnia, and notably, tinnitus, making it a substantial point for individuals dealing with auditory issues. By enhancing blood circulation and vitality, Taichong can be beneficial in mitigating pain and promoting overall well-being.

Where is Acupuncture Point LR3?

Great Surge is situated on the foot, in the gap between the big toe and the second toe.

How to find Acupressure Point LR3?

  1. Place focus between the big toe and second toe.
  2. Slide about 1.5 "cun" (an approximate one and a half times the width of your thumb) towards your ankle.
  3. Taichong is slightly indented at this location on both feet.

Pressure Points for Tinnitus on Hand

Lesser Marsh (Shaoze 少澤) SI1 Acupoint

Lesser Marsh (SI1) enhances nutrient absorption and addresses various symptoms, including tinnitus. It is integral for addressing various symptoms related to insufficient postpartum milk supply, mastitis, and even aesthetic concerns like breast augmentation while also having a notable influence on issues like headaches, sore throats, and crucially, ear-related issues like tinnitus. By stimulating this point, you can enhance nutrient absorption through the small intestine and thereby improve overall health and wellness.

Where is Acupuncture Point SI1?

Lesser Marsh is positioned at the outer side of the base of the little fingernail.

How to find Acupressure Point SI1?

  1. Focus on the little finger of either hand.
  2. Identify where the bottom of the nail meets its outer edge.
  3. Shaoze is located precisely at this intersection.

Middle Island (Zhongzhu 中渚) TH3 Acupoint

Middle Island (TH3) is advantageous for ear ailments and treats various conditions. Whilst known for its versatility in treating various conditions such as headaches and vertigo, it is notably advantageous for ear-related ailments, making it an imperative point for those struggling with tinnitus. The ability of this point to clear heat, relax tendons, and activate meridians in the body also extends its efficacy to addressing issues like ear diseases, hand pain, and visual disturbances.

Where is Acupuncture Point TH3?

Middle Island is found on the back of the hand, between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones.

How to find Acupressure Point TH3?

  1. Look at the back of your hand.
  2. Locate the space between the bones of your ring finger and little finger.
  3. Move about a thumb’s width (a “cun”) from the knuckle towards the wrist and you’ll find Zhongzhu.

How Acupressure Points Can Give Immediate Relief for Tinnitus?

Acupressure targeting specific points can potentially alleviate tinnitus by balancing energy flow. Targeting specific acupressure points such as Ting Hui (GB2) and Zhongzhu (TH3) can redirect energy and blood flow to the ears, potentially restoring clear auditory perception and alleviating symptoms of tinnitus.

Here are some practical tips to get the most out of these acupressure techniques:

  • Create a serene environment: Choose a quiet space where distractions are minimal. This calm setting will enhance your focus and heighten the healing effects of acupressure.

  • Deep breathing: Initiate your session by inhaling and exhaling deeply. This not only calms your mind but also prepares your body for the acupressure session, making it more receptive to the process.

  • Clean hands: Hygiene is essential. Ensure that your hands are clean before you start. This will prevent any potential infections, especially when dealing with sensitive areas.

  • Consistency is key: Regular application of these acupressure techniques is more beneficial than sporadic sessions. Aim to integrate these into your daily or weekly routine for a sustained impact

Individual responses can vary. If these acupressure techniques don't offer the relief you're seeking, consider consulting with a licensed acupuncturist or TCM practitioner for tailored advice.

When to Get Immediate Help for Tinnitus?

Seek immediate help for tinnitus if accompanied by hearing loss, headaches, or dizziness. If tinnitus comes with other problems like not being able to hear well, headaches, and feeling dizzy, it's important to take it seriously and talk to a doctor soon. Especially if the noise in your ears doesn’t go away, is really loud, messes with your sleep, or comes with other issues like feeling off-balance. Quick action can be key to handle any issues early on.

Enhancing Your Journey: Acupressure with Moxa

The Moxa Acupressure App enriches acupressure journeys by personalizing sessions and aiding in point location. Delving into acupressure, especially focusing on alleviating tinnitus symptoms, can be significantly enriched using tools like the Moxa Acupressure App. This app furnishes a spectrum of personalized sessions and rituals designed to reharmonize your body and elevate your overall wellness, providing a technological ally to assist you in locating the correct acupoints, timing your sessions accurately, and keeping a record of your progression.

Unleash the potency of acupressure and a comprehensive approach to naturally mitigate tinnitus and hearing loss. Adopt this age-old practice and empower yourself to navigate through life unencumbered by auditory issues.

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