Acupressure Points For Colds

December 10, 2022
3 min

Acupuncture Points Mentioned in this Article

With the arrival of colder, rainier weather and significant day-night temperature shifts, our bodies become more susceptible to bacterial and viral invasions. One tiny misstep, like forgetting your umbrella or not dressing warmly enough, can invite an unwelcome cold. Soon, you're beset with congestion, a sore throat, and general unease—none of which is pleasant.

Holistic Approach to Colds and The Flu

TCM promotes acupressure to enhance the body's self-healing abilities. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers time-tested wisdom on bolstering your defenses and fighting off these annoyances with a little acupressure know-how. The philosophy of TCM is deeply intertwined with the idea of balance and harmony. It advocates for the use of natural, non-invasive methods like acupressure to improve health and wellness. Acupressure involves the stimulation of certain points on our body to enhance its self-healing capabilities.

Pressure Points for Cough on Back

Body Pillar (Shen Zhu 身柱) GV12 Acupoint

Body Pillar assists with cold symptoms, coughs, and strengthens body resistance. It is a commonly used acupuncture point for improving the body's resistance and dealing with the common cold. It can help lessen discomfort in the head, neck, and shoulders, and is also good for treating muscle spasms, seizures, asthma, coughs, and baldness. For those suffering from colds, Body Pillar can be quite helpful in managing symptoms and speeding up recovery.

Where is Acupuncture Point GV12?

The Body Pillar Acupoint can be found by locating the midpoint of the line connecting the left and right shoulder blades at the back. It's also below the area corresponding to the third bone down from the base of your neck on your spine.

How to find Acupressure Point GV12?

  1. Start at the base of your neck.
  2. Feel for the most prominent bone when you tilt your head forward.
  3. Count this bone as the first and head downwards, the point will be found in the indentation below the third bone.

Lung Shu (Fei Xu 肺俞) BL13 Acupoint

Lung Shu treats respiratory conditions, coughs, and cold symptoms. It is another acupoint often stimulated to address respiratory conditions, making it beneficial if you're suffering from a cold. Located on the back, pressing this point can help reduce symptoms of cough, asthma, chest tightness, and even fatigue which can accompany a cold. Further, it can also alleviate lower back pain, fever due to weakness, and skin conditions like acne and rashes.

Where is Acupuncture Point BL13?

The Lung Shu Acupoint is located on both sides of the third thoracic vertebra, about an inch or so from the spine.

How to find Acupressure Point BL13?

  1. Start from your spine.
  2. Move roughly an inch and a half outwardly.
  3. The point is found on the level with the third thoracic vertebra, slightly wider than a thumb's length from the spine.

Pressure Points for Cough with Phlegm on Arm

Cubit Marsh (尺澤 Chize) LU5 Acupoint

Cubit Marsh aids with coughs, lung health, and cold symptoms. It is often used to maintain healthy lungs and to help with symptoms associated with colds, such as coughs and chest discomfort. It can also be beneficial for dry mouth and itchy throat. This point has been found to relieve elbow soreness, abdominal pain, throat problems, severe cough, bloody cough, difficulty in breathing due to asthma, skin allergies, and chest discomfort.

Where is Acupuncture Point LU5?

Cubit Marsh Acupoint is located in the inner elbow, in the depression on the thumb side of the tendon when your palm is facing up and your elbow is bent.

How to find Acupressure Point LU5?

  1. Bend your elbow with your palm facing upwards.
  2. Notice the tendon that appears on the inner elbow.
  3. Find the depression on the thumb side of this tendon, right on the elbow's crease.

Pressure Points for Sore Throat on Hand

Broken Sequence (Lieque 列缺) LU7 Acupoint

Broken Sequence alleviates sore throats and cold symptoms. It is commonly used to relieve symptoms of colds, such as sore throats. This point can also help with various issues such as coughs, toothache, chronic bronchitis, hemiplegia, arm discomfort, and numbness. Broken Sequence can be particularly helpful for managing pain from rheumatism or problems that recur with seasonal changes.

Where is Acupuncture Point LU7?

Broken Sequence Acupoint can be found about an inch and a half from the wrist crease on the thumb side of your palm facing upward.

How to find Acupressure Point LU7?

  1. Turn your palm upwards.
  2. Start from the crease of your wrist on the thumb side.
  3. Move approximately 1.5 inches towards the elbow.
  4. The point is there and may be more sensitive or slightly pulsating when pressed.

Union Valley (Hegu 合谷) LI4 Acupoint

Union Valley addresses facial discomfort, including sore throats. It is a vital point often used to deal with discomfort in the face, including sore throats. It can also relieve cold symptoms like congestion and headaches. Additionally, Union Valley has a broad range of applications, including relief from gastrointestinal, neurological, and blood pressure issues.

Where is Acupuncture Point LI4?

Union Valley Acupoint is located approximately an inch and a half from the junction of the thumb and index finger.

How to find Acupressure Point LI4?

  1. Turn your palm upwards.
  2. Start from the junction of your thumb and index finger.
  3. Move approximately 1.5 inches towards your wrist on the thumb side.
  4. The point is there and may feel tender when pressed.

Pressure Points for Fever

Great Hammer (Da Zhui 大椎) GV14 Acupoint

Great Hammer targets cold symptoms, skin conditions, and fever. If you're dealing with a cold, the Great Hammer point serves as a beneficial area to target. It's regularly used for easing symptoms like headaches, coughs, and asthma. Besides assisting with such concerns, the Great Hammer point is particularly effective when it comes to reducing fever. If you have a fever that comes from a cold or from other diseases, applying pressure to this acupuncture point could potentially help to cut your temperature down quickly.

Where is Acupuncture Point GV14?

The Great Hammer Acupoint is located in the hollow area below the seventh cervical vertebra, near where the neck and back meet.

How to find Acupressure Point GV14?

  1. Tilt your head forward slightly.
  2. Feel for a prominent point where your neck and back meet.
  3. Press into the hollow space just below this point, and you've found the Great Hammer point, also known as the Great Hammer point.

Pool at the Bend (Quchi 曲池) LI11 Acupoint

Pool at the Bend is an acupuncture point that reduces fever. It's typically used to relieve itching, reduce swelling, clear heat and unblock meridians. In addition, it's known to reduce fever and ease a multitude of body problems like joint pain in the shoulder and elbow, paralysis of upper limbs, high blood pressure, urticaria, influenza, tonsillitis, thyroid enlargement, and acute gastroenteritis.

Where is Acupuncture Point LI11?

Pool at the Bend Acupoint is located at the outer depression of the crease at the end of your elbow, specifically where it joins up with the side of your thumb.

How to find Acupressure Point LI11?

  1. Bend your elbow with your palm against your chest.
  2. Notice the horizontal crease that forms at the elbow joint.
  3. Pool at the Bend acupoint is located at the outer depression of this crease, close to where it meets the side of your thumb.
  4. If you press this area, you might experience slight pain. This point exists on both the left and right arms.

Ten Dispersings (Shixuan 十宣穴) Extra Acupoint

Shixuan is often used in emergencies for high fever, epilepsy, and childhood fevers. It is also used to soothe situations of heatstroke, high blood pressure, coma, shocks and numbness in fingers.

Where is Acupuncture Point Shixuan?

Shixuan Acupoint is located at the tips of all your ten fingers, specifically about a "fen" (two centimeters or 0.1 cun) from the edge of your nail.

How to find Acupressure Point Shixuan?

  1. Holding your hands out in front of you, observe the tips of your fingers.
  2. This Acupoint is approximately two centimeters (or a "fen") from the edge of each nail on all your ten fingers.

Pressure Points for Cold Immunity

Leg Three Mile (Zusanli 足三里) ST36 Acupoint

Leg Three Mile enhances immunity and treats cold-related symptoms. It is a crucial point, typically used to strengthen the body and boost our immune system. It's especially targeted when dealing with symptoms related to colds, such as nausea and diarrhea. This point can also support the relief of various gastric diseases, leg and back pain, respiratory issues, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Moreover, it can improve blood circulation and help with mental health problems like depression, thereby enhancing overall health and the body's resistance to illness.

Where is Acupuncture Point ST36?

The Leg Three Mile Acupoint can be found roughly three inches below the knee cap, towards the outside of your leg.

How to find Acupressure Point ST36?

  1. Sit down on a chair and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Place your palm on your knee bone position.
  3. Glide your middle finger slightly outwards to touch the outer recess of the knee.
  4. The point where your finger lands is the Leg Three Mile point

Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietary Tips for Colds

Warming foods and avoiding cold foods in diet helps prevent colds in TCM. Prevention of cold and flu doesn't end with acupressure. Diet plays an integral role too.

  • Foods that warm the lungs—like white fungus, lily, yam, pears stewed with Fritillaria, silver ear lotus seed red date soup, or hot sugarcane juice with a few slices of licorice—can moisturize the lungs and suppress coughs.

  • Dark foods, including mulberries, purple yams, and eggplants, are not only good for the kidneys but also benefit the lungs.

To protect your respiratory system, minimize intake of cold foods, sweets that induce phlegm, inflammation-causing fried foods, and hot and dry foods.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs for Colds

Yin Chiao 銀翹 Fights Off Colds in Early Stages

Yin Chiao herb, combined with acupressure and diet, boosts cold immunity in TCM. On top of acupressure and diet, TCM also encourages the use of herbs to boost immunity. A well-known Chinese herbal formulation, Yin Qiao can be highly effective in warding off cold and flu when taken at the onset of symptoms or as a preventive measure when exposure to viruses and bacteria is anticipated.

With these three pillars—acupressure, diet, and herbal supplementation—TCM offers a comprehensive approach to strengthen your immunity and ward off common colds and flu. Embrace these tips, take good care of your lungs, and sail through the cold season with resilience and vitality!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new herbal supplement.

How to Use Acupressure Points for Colds and Flu

Acupressure relieves cold symptoms likd cough and sore throat by pressing specific points. Body Pillar, Lung Shu, Cubit Marsh, Broken Sequence, Union Valley, Leg Three Mile, and Great Hammer all provide support when you're under the weather. Acupressure can be a natural way to possibly help relieve these symptoms.

Here are some practical tips to get the most out of these acupressure techniques:

  • Create a serene environment: Choose a quiet space where distractions are minimal. This calm setting will enhance your focus and heighten the healing effects of acupressure.

  • Deep breathing: Initiate your session by inhaling and exhaling deeply. This not only calms your mind but also prepares your body for the acupressure session, making it more receptive to the process.

  • Clean hands: Hygiene is essential. Ensure that your hands are clean before you start. This will prevent any potential infections, especially when dealing with sensitive areas.

  • onsistency is key: Regular application of these acupressure techniques is more beneficial than sporadic sessions. Aim to integrate these into your daily or weekly routine for a sustained impact

If you're unsure about where these points are or how to press them, ask an expert for help.

Simplify Your Acupressure Sessions with Moxa

Moxa Acupressure App provides personalized acupressure sessions for colds. The Moxa Acupressure App offers personalized sessions and routines to support consistent acupressure practice for colds. Boost your health journey with the Moxa Acupressure App. It showcases various routines and customized sessions designed to tackle cold symptoms and invigorate your immune system. Let Moxa streamline the task of pinpointing the right acupressure points, handling session times, and tracking your improvement. Explore how Moxa can assist you in identifying perfect points for your cold symptoms and establishing a regular regimen.

Including acupressure in your daily routine can be a natural method to combat cold symptoms and bolster overall health. Prioritize your well-being and embrace this time-tested technique as a potential remedy.

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